London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

28 Feb 2017

KittyKABOOM Level Design

To crate the environment for the level, I first took a birds eye view screen shot of the grey box and ternt it into a template for the modelling proses. I new I wanted the first level to be on the street where Margret lives, to show that the mice have taken over and the after math of that. When doing the concepts for this, I had a hard time trying to draw what this normal street would look like which aliens taking over. As environment art is my weakest aria, I really strugled with trying to produse something that I was happy with quality wise. I desied to simply finish the normal street, then work on modaling the other assets so tha tI could try dressing the street in Unity and Maya. 

To make sure the modled environment mached that of the gray box, I took a birds eye screen shot of it then drew a map over it in Photoshop. I then used this as the template for modeling the level. At first, I was going to make the maze part out of different things from the steeet that had been knocked over or crashed into to form the shape of the maze. I wanted to do this to show how the people had goten into panic once the mice invaded. However, after modeling the assets, I realized that making the maze in this way looked very disorganized and nonsensical. Specially as the player would be in a tank, so realistically they could just run over thses things. So insted I desdied to change it to a maze that the mice set up to stop people from running about freely. It would also reflect the motif of putting mice in to mazes.

To deside what the  walls for the maze should look like, I started with some quick sketchs, but then thought to be would easier and quicker to try modeling different versions as a way of consepting them insted. This really helped as I could see what they will look like all around as well as hopw meny polys each design will take. Once I had designed on a design, I used this to make the maze and other barrias that the Mice had put up.

When texering anything for this game, I made sure that the colors are a little duller then intened, as the toon shadier make everything much more saturated in game. I moved the round about to the boss aria as it made more sence for the larger space to be for the bigger fight. At first, I thoght I was going to put the boss at the center of the round about, but as I changed it to the cages I added the tern sight to the centr insted. The edges of this aria was also very bland, so I modled a tree and changed the scaling around to add some veried trees.

For the items that the player can pick up, I wanted them to be easily identifiable, but still relate to cats in some way. I went with the plus for the health as it had instant understanding as health, so I felt there was no resion to confuse that. I thought about using the heart, as a lot of the environment was green so I was worried tha the green plus would clash with this. But making it a heart when the UI was a slider I felt confused the conection, so I would have to change the health to hearts also. But this would mean I would have to re-code how  the health worked, which I didn't want to waist time with.

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