London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

14 Mar 2017

KittyKABOOM Enemy Conpects


I desided to go for robot enemies insted of organic ones, as they would be easier to animate and model. I also thought that the player shooting a real living creatures could seem more violent then intended. I also wanted to use the same shapes and look of the queen to influence the robots. At first I tried making a mouse tank type vehicle to fit in with the cat tank. But as the code I used was based on a zombie  enemies, the enemy needed to look like they would deal out damage in a slimier fation. I did a drill like design as the spinning would be easy to animate, but then I changed it to an "eating" robot, as it was already sapost to resemble a mouse, and mice has mouths, not drills. So visually this made more sence. 


I also desided to make a simple/crude test model so I could get a better understanding of what this robot would look like in 3D. I also needed it so I could see what the design would look like in the orthographic view of the game. 

Doing this helped me to see that I had to pay special attention to the ears as from an angle they may not read as ears at all. I kept this in mind when making the actual model and made the ears extra big so that they can be clearly seen in game. This dose make them look strange in a front view but it helps them to be seen diagonally. 

Cages and Cats

At first I wanted to make some cats as colectables for the game, but then I desided to change them from collectibles to objectives as it makes more sence with the goal of the game. I also made this change as I was having a hard time trying to deside what the boss section of the level would be like. Having one big turret was too easy and boring, so at first wanted it to be some form of big mouse robot with different kinds of ammunition that the player would have to avoid wile trying to attack it. Though this would have been more entertaining, I didn't have the know how to do this, or the time to lean how to eather. Because of this I had to think of a simpler way to make the boss section more engaging without having to add much. As there is a round about in the boss section, I thought that I should have some turrets curcel around it, as this would be easy to implement and the addition of a moving target could be fun. I then also desided to make the turrets cages that have the cats inside to make the player feel more determind to fight them.

I desided to use the same cat model for each cat, even though they all look different in the consent. This is because it will be easier to add more cats this way in the future, and as the wont be very big on the screan, the player might not even notice the differences if I was to model them. I changed the faces of the cats in the texture as adding the bigger cat eyes didn't translate well. 

Even thought at this point the art style of the game had changed to the lined toon look, I still did a panted concept fro the cage as I find it easier to paint non organic things, specially when I'm not sure what they look like. I made sure to keep to yhe same shapes and colours as the other mice related things to make so it all looked cohesive.

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