For the alpha, I wanted to develop the codes I has previously made, and make game play with it. But before this, I desided t make a new game project folder and inport the working codes. I also needed to do this as ther last folder still had the tank tutorial that I used for refrance in it. This did mean some of the elaments like the partical effects and UI elaments I would have to leave behind and work on my own, but there where place holders in the first place.
I had let some people test out the prototype, and one of the biggest complats was that the movement controls where tricky and took time to get the hag of. To help with this, I made the beging of the level a maze and put some keys that the player will have to collect. I found by doing this, it alows the player to used the movement controls without worrying about the shooting at the same time. However, a problem that arised was that the tank's pysics will make it bump around when it hits any of the walls. I desided to tern the phisicis off, as previosly they where on as the bullet shell had the ability to push things bast of the force of the blast. But as I wasen't using this feature, it was fine to take out the forses. But this corsed the tank ingnore all the colliders on the walls, and simply passed throgh everything. To fix this, I simply added a nav mesh agent to the tank, which was simple as the nav msh was alrady set up for the enamies.
I then made a second section which has the sporning enaies. I had problems with this at first, as the spawning code didn't like being terned off and on, and often didnt work. So I mad a level ganiger type code that terns all the objects in the section on and off, insted of the spasific scripts which seemed to work better. However, the spawning scrip still didn't want to stop, even after I had terned the object off, so I added a eneamie cap to it, so after a certen amount of enemies have been spawned, it stops.
I felt like the ending of the level needed a boss like characters, but I didn't have eanouth time to make one. So I used a turret as a place holder. Though a boss is something a really want to add, I feel like the coding to make one well/ interesting may be too deficalt for me, or at least take up too much time. I still put some time into my scesul for text term to make one, but if it becomes to troublesome, I will have to find another way to make the difficulty progression interesting.
I made some new basic assets as by this point, I had pladed to make some masic models in Maya, but scripting too much longer then planed. I put in some colours as well so players can see the diffrence between the different elements. I also added some lights and partical effects to things, just to make them more intresting. I also wanted to play around the the partial as I will have to make quite a few next term once I made the sprits.
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