London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

6 Apr 2016

New Eden Mobile: Alien Animals

As the story behind New Eden is that it was a space ship from earth, I thought a way to include the earth element is to comind normal animals to make alien like ones. I wanted to make a flying one and a big cat/dog type one, but due to time testritiones i desided to just make the flinging one. The aniames I wanted to combined where a bird and a bat. This is so it could be easily recognisable, and the bat like parts will help make it look more dangerous.
I tried different ways to combined them, but I mainly wanted to keep it simple to both fit the look of the game, and make modelling and rigging quicker. 

When colouring the bat bird, I wanted it too look thretaning to a player by looking at it, so I tried to use scehems that envocke danger. The coloures I used where based off a poisonis plaint, a dragon/lizerd, a bee and for the last one I wanted it too look more alien so I used constasting colours and waired patterning. I liked the colours of the plant one most, but I desided to go with the alien one to show the game is based on a nother planet. However, I didn't like the colouers as much as it started to blend in with the enviroment of the level. So I tied out diffrent colour combanations. I when with a perpaly pink one in the end, as the rednnes made it look more dagorose, and it stood out from the greens of the level.
As I was still working on the grope project at this time, I desided to keep the enamies as sprites so I woden't have to model them. This helped me save time, but also keep to the ristricked poly count, as the character was more then ezspected.

Even thogh I didn't have time to make the tiger hedhog, I still wanted to use it for the title screen of the game. I had a lot of troble getting the body to look right, so I used the zsphere tool in ZBrush to quickly block out the shape I wanted. This helped me to pose the creature.

At first, I wanted to give this creaure a strange colour scheem like the bird bat, but it started to look to bizzare and didn't seem to fit into the world of the game. Because of this, I kept the colours ferly simple, and focised on giving it feacures that make it look alien insted.
My fist try at doing this creates wasen't so good as I tried to use the gray schale and overlay tecnque that I used for the bird. I wasen't really getting the blend of coloures right and I started to over complicat the forms. So I started again, this time making sure I kept it simple and saturated, so it matched the styling of the game.

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