London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

21 Mar 2015

Lights Out! Prototype 1

I desided to make the first prototype early on in the game making prosses, as I waned the game to work as soon as possible, so we could spend more of our time adding extra features and assets that would make the game better.
For the first prototype, I focused on the core essential  of the game: movement, shooting, killing enamies, scores and health. The movement code worked by moving the whole level towards the player, instead of moving the player forwards. That way, we could move things at different speeds if needed to. The bullets work by sporning from a cube next to the play with a forward movement script. The enamys get destroyed when somthing enters their trigger, and the helth and score codes are flouts attached to GUIs that change valuse depending on collisions.
There where some bugs during this part, like how the enamys would die if they touched each other or the other level assess, or how the player could fly off the level.
To fix the enamyes I made it so they only die if they touch the player or the bullet using Tags. I also realized that the bullets would kill the enamy and keep going, killing everything else behind it. So I made a bullet kill code that destoys the bullet if it collides with an enamy.
The movment was fixed by adding a boundary box with a mesh collider to it.

 Hayden had made some test assests so we added them to the prototype to make sure the level move script worked. It also helped us see what worked colour ans shape wise when it came to the wire fram look.

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