London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

21 Nov 2016

KittyKABOOM Tank Consepts

 Before makeing the tank, I desided to design the player character, as I find making characters easier. Also, if I had a better idea of the character, it might help me make the tank. I defiantly wanted the character to be a old, short lady, as i think the juxtaposition of a small old lady in a tank will be funny.

In the end, I went with the more wild look for her, as I felt it would be funnier if she had a very head stong and loud personality. It also made her look more like a cooky old lady, which I think makes more sence then a very quite, sesable lady, as she was sabost to be based on a crazy cat lady. 

Once a had done the lady, I then used that to help me think of what her tank would look like. I tried out some diffrent shapes, themes, and even diifrent viacels to make some tank designs. I liked the steam punk and needled themed ones, as they seemed very had made, and the thoght of her making the tank herself would add to the humor. However, I felt like for this kind of game, the design needed to be more simplistic design, as over complicaing it could make everything confusing. Asesaly if things alrady look like cats and mice. Also, when making the game, so far the camera distance had been quite far from the tank, so if I make the design, too complex, it may not be seen anyway, or even worse become confusing. 

I didn't want to confuse the visuals, so I desided to go for a simplistic design for the tank. This way it will be eaier for players to instantly see that it its a tank and also a cat. I also wanted to work on some colours as well, to make sure the tank really looked cat like. For this progect I wanted to work on consepting skills I'm not very good at, but for this drawing I used my normal style of quick line art and simple shading as its much qucker to do. After seeing this my teacher thoght this style worked well with the quircky idea of the game and it was more toonish. After debating it, I deaided to go forward with the new style as I'm more comftable with it so it will make creating the consepts faster and look better then trying to strugle with a style I'm not so used to.

Going forward with this style I made the model sheet for the tank. There where some parts of this that I struggled with as I couldn't visualize what the tank would look like in 3D. Because of this, some of the line work looks out of place and even mismatched in the different views. Even thogh I could see this, I didn't wont to spent to much time on it as I knew I could work out how these things would look butter once I started modeling them. If I was to send this reference on to someone else, I would have possible modeled parts of it in Maya fist so that the drawing was more accreate, but as I am working by my self this wasn't needed.

The problems I was having drawing some parts of the tank was quickly fixed once I started modeling as i was able to better see how the shapes would work together. To make the tracks for the tank I followed a tutorial that used a curve the help mold the shape I needed the tracks to follow. I also try to use this method and others to try and animte the tracks, but I coden't get this to work. The tracks where sapost to move along the curve but instent they would just rotate around its pivot. As this was taken too long to try and implement I desided to scrap it. However, because of this, the tank looked very bizarre when moving as the tracks where very obioaly not moving. To try and desicse this I desided to ass track covers to the tank as well. This work out better then I thought as the covers pushed the cat look even more and the paws where resived very well by testers. I did in the end deside to animate the wheels as that was much simpler and helped the tank look as if it was moving.  

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