London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

10 Jan 2015

Lizard Dude Value Pratice

For this lesson, we had to use this sketch work practice using value. I found this really difficult as I'm really used to using colour to paint something in, so only using black and white forced me to think more about light intercity and forms. I kept adding too much light to parts that should be in the shadows and not adding eanouth black to the darkest bits. I also did it very ruff at first, so when the lines where taken off you coden't see what the forms should be. I restarted this twice, just because I kept doing things wrong, and i find it easier to start with a blank canvas then trying to fix something. 

As this exicise was also about making forms quickly, I didn't want to spend too much time on the value part, so I started texturing it. I used a frog type texture for the skin and a metel one for the armour. I also overlayed some colours on it to make the different parts stand out from each other. 

In the end, I think I did well on the top half, and if i spent more time on it I think I could of gotten the rest of it looking okay too. Overall, I think I need to learn how to make forms with less brush strokes so that I can do consent art quicker. And I also need to study lighting more so I can make things look more realistic. 

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