London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

2 Dec 2014

Turret Work


We started doing the turret within the first few lessons so it was quite tricky to do. I think most of the processes I used to make things like the barrels where unpractical as I just combined a bunch of shapes together, which I now know would have been a nightmare to try and unwrap. After a friend told me how to use extrusion to make the shape out of one cylinder which works much better. I also had trouble barraging the edges as it would barrel inwherds or sometimes completely change the shape. But thanks to that I learnt how to use the combined vertex tool which has helped me with other modelling


We then worked on unwrapping the turret so we could texture it. I didn't fine this too difficult as I did the unwrapping part of the homework that week so I had a vague idea of what to do. Also, this turret worked with an automatic unwrap so took no time at all.


I always have trouble when it comes to adding deatals to things to make it look cool so I only got have the faces done as I coden't think of anything to add. I also later realized some of my deatals where too big and woden't be albe to bake properly.But we did learn about spesul duplicating, mirroring and and making live objects so it was successful in a way.


Before adding the texter, we used xNornal to convert out deatals into a bump map. It also made a image of the faces that could be used to make the texture in Photoshop. I used images from the internet and edited them so that they look a little more natural. However, I didn't think about scale and the metal grating is too big and some times different sizes. 

animating the turret was much easier to do then i first thort. Once I learnt how to make key frames and how to edit them it became pretty fun to do. We also learnt how to put object into gropes and make a hierarchy. This was very useful as I would usually just combine shapes together it I wanted to move them as one, which would usually course problems.

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