London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

25 Nov 2014

Elf and Dwarf Proportions

For this lession we learnt about changing human proportions to change a character's characteristics We where then set to crate a elf and a dwarf usings abstracted proportions. The elf being very tall and slim and the dwarf being short and wide. I found the dwarf easyer to do as I draw cute small charaters a lot, so getting the proportions in place wasen't difficalt. However, the elf was challenging as I codent get the torso an legs in the right place. At first the torso looked too elongated but when I shortened it it made the legs look wrong. I eventually got it too look better, but she is a bit wider then I think she's ment to be.

I've been working on my painting out of class more and I think I've gotten a lot better. However it takes me a long time to do even thogh its very simple. the dwarf took me about 3-4 hours and the elf about 2. Hopefully, if I continue to practice I will get better and quicker at Photoshop painting as I find it really fun to do.

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