London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

8 Dec 2014

Building Assiment

Our end of term assortment was to model and texture a temple from a image. It took me a very long time to do but I'm feeling pretty proud with the results.
I first started with the main body of the building which I made using a cube and exstutions. By doing multiple exstutions at different offsets I was able to get the shapes needed. To make the indesnts for the windows and doors I used the edge loop tool to make the faces then exstuded them inwereds. I also used exstrutions to make the pilers and spike at the top of the middle building. The part of the roof that stick out from the balcony roof was done using the interactive spit tool to make the shape and then extruded it. I found this very tricky to get right and then the outcome wasen't as good as I'ed like. For the rest of the roofs that stick out I made the shape using a flat cube, duplicating it and flipping it and then merging the vertexes together. I then duplacaed this. As it was a septet object, I found it hard when trying to make them seem connected The scatting around the edges where made using a cube with sevril edge loops so that i could make it the right shape. I then duplicated it over and over to continue the pattern.

Once done I moved on to texturing it. Most of the parts had just plane colour so I just made sure to colour them before I duplicated them. Adding the textures was trickier as I needed to add different textures to one object, as most of the building was made from one cube. Also, as I added so many edge loops, many off the edges needed sawing together so that the brick lays right. I had also deleted some of the edges but kept the stray vertexes, so my UVs became very irregular shapes. After playing around with it too much, they become very jumbled and I couldn't undo it. So I can to move and saw the edges by hand and also remove the unneeded vertexes.

When applying textures I also use a blin, which I didn't realize makes everything shiny. By the time I realized I had already finished unwrapping it. 

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