London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

23 Nov 2014

Tank Design

For the mood board I just gathered images of a viraity of different tanks as I didn't have a clear idea of what I wanted to do.

I used my Ipad to sketch different tanks. I haven't really delt with viacals before so I just tried using diffrent shapes to make different looking tanks.

I desided to work into the cat tank as I just really liked it. I also thoght it would go with my turret. When it comes to designing maniacal things I often get stuck with adding details that make it look cooler or more realistic. I think this is because unless it has a piratical use my mind just dosen't think of it. 

Using a two point perspective to draw the tank was much more challenging then I thought it would be. As I did graphics design I'm used to using perspective, but as the horizing line had to be so far up from the tank I had problems trying to get the vanishing points in the right places. As I'm used to doing perspective drawings by hand, I tried doing it that way. But as the horizing line was so high and the vanishing points so far away, I found  the paper too small to fit it all in. So in the end I used Photoshop but I still coden't get it right. So instent, I desided to work backwards and draw the basic shapes of the tank first and then I added the points after, using the sketch as gidence. I also fine it easier to do neat line art by hand, but as I hand to use Photoshop the curved lines became a little ruff.

As there was quite a lot of curved sides and weird angels in this tank, it took me a wile to apply the shading correctly.

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