London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

2 Nov 2014

Monster Design

I wanted to do a demon type monster so I looked at a lot of wing and horns. I also wanted to pratice doing hind legs as I dont draw animles a lot. during my sketches I also started thing about slime monsters so I put some images of those too.

I worked on the wings and legs first to get a feel for how they work and the shapes used before drawing my designs.

Finale design
My monster is a demon spirit who's powers come from the gem in her chest.

As I'm not very good at painting in Photoshop I tried using less line art in this drawing so that I could practice painting. I think it gives a much more realistic look, but took me a long time to do. I draw a lot of cute looking things so I tried to make this more scary. As I get scared really easily and I'm not a big fan of gore, drawing scary or creepy designs puts me way out of my comfort zone. I think this shows in my design as shes more pretty then scary. This may also be down to the colours as green and yellow arn't very creepy colours. I tried using different ones but nothing really seemed right.

Some close ups of some of the parts of the demon.

I still wasn't happy with the colours so I ened up playing around the the saturation and lighting. By darkening the picture and making the flames more red, I think she comes across much more scary then before.

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