London based Post-graduate with a passion for games and game design!

14 Nov 2014

Insectoid Design

I didn't really have an idea of the direction I wanted to go with this design like my others, so I just looked at different kinds of insects and insectiods other people had made. I found imiges of some really cool looking bugs which would have be interesting to work with, but looking at them for too long creeped me out and made me feel sick, so I didn't end up using them.

I was kinda los for ideas so I drew some sillowets just to get me drawing. I realized a lot of the shapes used on insetiods are very simmiler to what I did for my demon monster design.  I dont what to make somthing that looks the same as what I did before, but that makes it harder for me to see what shapes I should use.

I really like the more cartoony sketches as I think it keeps the insect of the create wilse making look different from my monster. However, I'm having trouble trying to make sure it dosen't just look like a bug standing up.

I started getting the idea to do a spider type insectiod as adding the spider body and legs will make the design very diffrent from my monster and also stops it from just looking like a cartoon bug.

For this design, I wanted to make a young boy looking thing as I dont draw a lot of males. But I also did it as recently I've been trying to make everything look more realistic looking. But what  I like to draw is mangay, cutsie characters, so thats what I did.

I really like the last design and I think he looks really cool, but I think the fist one of these designs looks much more like a insect.

I decided to go with the third design, but I played around with the colours as I think he looked more demon then insect. I used imiges from my mood boards to influance the kind of colour palets to use as it makes he look more natural.

Final Design


Aneurin is a young member of the Sgitherch Tribe. This tribe is based within the forests of their world and are very capable hunters. They use their sensory hairs and jumping abilities to hunt in groups within the trees.
Aneurin however prefers to do his own thing, and although his hunting abilities are above average, he’s lack of following orders gets him in a lot of trouble with he’s superiors. He’s also shorter much then average, which is why he prefers to do things solo as he constantly feels he has to prove himself.

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